Taking a Look at Depression [#Infographic] – It’s not Just a Word
Hey there lovely’s! Like a lot of you out there, I have lived with depression since I was young, and don’t mind talking about it because I think creating more of an awareness of depression is not only...
View Article#Depression – Sometimes I Feel Like a Sad Lonely Puppy…
Loneliness. It’s horrible, it can swallow you up and make you feel so alone. I was thinking these thoughts and thought just what it must feel like for a poor lonely animal, that never gets the...
View ArticleHow I’ve Kicked Depression Where It Hurts, And Got Rid Of It…FOR GOOD!
As you may or may not already know, I have lived with depression since I was young, and as any depression sufferer can tell you, depression is a very very cold, dark and lonely place to be…and I...
View ArticleThe Upside to Feeling Down – The Good Side to Feeling Bad
Feeling a little down in the dumps, and overwhelmed? Relax, it’s totally ok…and to have these feelings once in a while, is actually a good thing! Here’s why: -It shows that you’re human, with real...
View ArticleChange Your Thoughts And You Really Can Change Your World…
A note to anyone who suffers from mental illness or depression… I’m not shy to say I have suffered from depression, and to let you all know that I’ve been diagnosed with depression and anxiety since I...
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